Winter is Coming!

In the spring of my life, I embraced change, could not wait for it to come.
So many ‘firsts’, so many possibilities.
So much unexpected frost and icy wind.
Growing up could not be fast enough.
The warning ‘Winter is coming!’ was purely hypothetical.
“Bend your knees.” “Look after your skin.”
“Choose the reliable boyfriend, not the exciting one.”

What for? I wanted to burst into the world with all my life-force.

Summer arrived with bold steps.
The days were long enough for a career, the nights warm enough for fun.
Picking the early fruits required some stretching, but it paid off.
I gained a husband, a baby, a house.
I was invincible.
Thunderstorms were plenty, but they cleared the air and passed.
‘Winter is coming!’
Yes, I know. But I am too busy, too broke, there is too much to do right now.
Later will be alright.
There are other priorities to consider, before retirement savings, slowing down or being mindful.

Almost without me noticing, autumn has arrived.
The days are getting shorter, the pace slower.
Body and mind show signs of growth and of the storms they have weathered.
I now harvest the slow growing fruits: deep relationships, awareness, and patience.
‘Winter is coming!’
I notice. Now it is real.

Winter. The time for an end.
Time for hope and anticipation of new beginnings.
The time for my soul to rest and reflect.

Until then, I will continue to offer shelter, bear fruit and shine in vibrant colors.

Because change is life, and I am alive.


Driving in the Dark


Stop trying to be happy!