Stop trying to be happy!
Being in a ‘pursuit of happiness’ is such a misleading concept.
It implies that if I work hard enough, smart enough, follow the right strategy, know the right people, if I become a certain way, or do certain things, I will eventually reach that elusive state of happiness.
What if our expectations paint a picture of happiness that exists only in the imagination of novels, films, or social media?
What if happiness is not at state at the end of a rather tricky journey, but contained within moments of our daily lives?
I invite you to explore the idea that happiness is not found after a vigorous pursuit at the end of some rainbow, but that it lies in our ability to slow down, and allow ourselves to engage with the magnificence of each moment.
Instead of trying to beat the recommended walking time on a hiking trail, appreciate the intricate beauty of a sunbeam reaching through the canopy, touching a piece of moss that’s growing on a tree stump.
Instead of chasing more followers, friends, clients or customers, spend time and really get to know those people who already are in your life.
Be open to exploring your connection with them.
Instead of becoming filled with tension from ticking off tasks, take a moment to notice in your environment a small detail that pleasantly catches your eye. Don’t just move on. Focus on it exclusively for one minute, smile and consciously acknowledge the joy it gives you.
There is nothing wrong with pursuing something that enriches our lives.
And nothing is erroneous in striving to improve, achieve, change or be better.
In the process it just pays to remember:
Happiness is not a ‘thing’ to pursue.
Each step of our life’s journey has the potential to uncover a piece of it!