How I can help you
Depending on the need, I can offer individual counselling and therapy for adults, or bespoke organisational support:
The fees for a one-hour, individual therapy/counselling session range from $140 –$180.
Fees for leadership coaching, bespoke workshops and other engagements will depend on the nature and extent of the work involved.
Get in touch, and let’s talk about how I can add value to your ideas.
Our one on one sessions can be in person, where that is possible, or online via Google Meet. What we do and talk about in those sessions depends on the purpose of our meeting and on what we agree upon. Both, the in-person and the online formats, have advantages and limitations that we will talk about in our initial chat.
This may start with spending an initially agreed number of sessions (between ten and twenty) to address a specific mental, emotional or relational issue. During that time, therapy is focused and specific to a particular area of concern and directed to look in depth at the presenting issue. The goal is the resolution of the issue by uncovering and understanding the underlying mental, emotional and relational dynamics.
Ongoing therapy of no fixed duration is then possible to aid in-depth and ongoing self-development to address long-term symptoms, ingrained beliefs and behavior or thinking patterns.
Sometimes, when we are stuck in a seemingly endless labyrinth of unhelpful thoughts and painful experiences, it can feel as if we are the only ones in such a place. In fact, there are likely a number of people in similar frames of mind also struggling to find new perspectives. From time to time I offer small group sessions (either in person or live online) where we explore together key challenges, common belief systems, and also ways to learn expanding our vision on life’s possibilities, and moving towards experiencing more happiness.
To express your interest, or to book a workshop for your group, please get in touch with me.
This typically involves a limited number of sessions (around six sessions) to address an acute life/work crisis or transition. Counseling is not directed at underlying causes or issues but towards offering the most appropriate support and understanding to help you get through a difficult period.
On request, I custom-design leadership development initiatives that benefit those who wish to deepen their ability to powerfully inspire others to follow them in co-creative ways.
Typical participants are people leaders, thought leaders, influencers, and opinion shapers in commercial organizations as well as from not-for-profit, governmental and educational institutions.The initiatives designed for you can reach from individual leadership coaching and workshops to guest lectures at universities and conference contributions.
Get in touch and we can talk about your specific requirements.
I have lived and worked in German and English speaking cultures all my life. Especially here in New Zealand, I am working with people from rather different cultural backgrounds. Maybe that’s why I can easily relate to and converse in both languages.
On my contact page I always update where I am in person. If that is not near you at the time, let’s meet online until a time when that may become the case.
Right now, neither of us knows that.
If you are curious and interested, contact me, and we can explore if and how our working together would be a good idea.
Your questions are welcome.
“I have been working with Andrea for approximately 4 years or so now, and her guidance has always been a blessing to me. After each of our meetings, I would sit down and meditate on the reflections that she's given and the vital tools that have been provided to me. These tools have helped me navigate through some incredibly turbulent times that didn't seem to relent due to unyielding life circumstances.
She has helped me familiarize myself further with my inner self and has done so with gentleness, patience, and great analytical instinct. She has also helped me get acquainted with my strengths, and connect with my inner gifts. Not to mention hold space for me when it was greatly needed, or when I lost sight of said strengths.
A sign of a great healer to me has always been one that will give you the opportunity and the tools to aid yourself, and Andrea has done just that for me, and I'm sure for many others beautifully. I am forever grateful for her, her kindness, and her wise insights.”