The Gift of Empathy
Lighthouse - Photo by Alfred Leung on Unsplash
“Dear friend
When I come to you with my worries and fears, my panic, my regrets, my despair, my sadness or my distress,
please, do not tell me that there are people in the world, who are worse off than me;
please do not ask me to be more positive, proactive or to pull myself together;
please do not offer me advice on what I should or could have done or not done
please do not tell me that I over-react or that all will be fine.
When I come to you in pain, I do not need a teacher speaking to me with information.
When I come to you, my heart needs your healing embrace as a friend.
As the friend, who is the steadfast light house in the current storm of my life.
The place of safety where I know I can find strength, acceptance and love, even when you don’t understand or agree with the course that I have taken.
All I need in those moments, is the friend whose hand is there to steady me, without pulling me into a direction that I am not ready to follow.
When I come to you, will you give me the gift of your empathy?”